Nottingham - City Ground
Pavilion Road : NG2 5FJ
The City Ground has been the home of Nottingham Forest FC since 1898. It was called the City Ground to commemorate Nottingham being awarded city status in 1897.

In 1906 Forest Football Club moved their annual sports from Trent Bridge to the City Ground to avoid "the considerable fee for the use of the Trent Bridge Ground." The track was 5 laps to the mile and although not as good as Trent Bridge "wore very well." The Football sports included the usual bicycle races. By 1910, Nottingham Forest FC were back at Trent Bridge for their sports.

In 1934, a Nottingham newspaper commented that Notts Forest Sports were last held in 1912.

The Nottingham Evening Post of 28th May 1941 reported that the one-time famous Notts Forest Sports were to be revived and a sports meeting would be held on Saturday 21st June 1941 at the City Ground. A program for the sports dated 5th July 1941 was for sale on eBay, so the event probably took place. There is no record of any further Forest Sports events.

Nottingham tracks and grounds.

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